**POLICY UPDATE effective January 8, 2024**
As announced in our December 21, 2023 newsletter: if you are a no-show for an in-studio class and don’t contact us, WE MAY CHARGE YOUR CLASS PASS OR MEMBERSHIP as if you had attended.
For quick reference, if you are running late or need to cancel a class:
~ Call or text: (301) 892-6353
~ Email: info@thehappyyogi.com
~ Cancel online in your account: My Schedule
Dearest Happy Yogis,
If you’ve visited our lovely Treehouse practice space, you know that it’s cozy and intimate. As the New Year approaches, we are asking EVERYONE to resolve to sign up for in-studio classes in advance whenever possible, to arrive on time, and if you can’t make it, please call, email, or cancel online, to make room for another Yogi to register. Here are a few reasons why:
Space is limited. If you sign up for a studio class and don’t come, that may prevent another student from signing up and attending. As you can imagine, that’s not good for our studio or for that Yogi!
If you come to a class without signing up, it’s possible the class will be full and there won’t be room for you! Registering ahead of time guarantees your spot… so long as you also arrive on time. Your spot may be given away to another student if you’re late and don’t contact us.
We do have a Wait List feature, and we are lucky to have access to Tikvat Israel’s spacious ~1,400 sf library (downstairs) to accommodate some of our evening and weekend classes and events, if reservation numbers indicate we need more space. But — it takes time to set up the livestreaming technology and move props downstairs, so we need advance notice to prepare, and to contact students on the wait list. If we know you’re planning to come, we can make the switch, and you can spread out. :-)
Our Karma Yogis (front desk staff) often take the class you’re coming to. If you’re signed up and running a few minutes late (it happens, just call us!), they will wait for you, and ensure you can get into the building. Either way, please make every effort to arrive on time, so they don’t have to miss too much of the class. It is of course also considerate and less disruptive to your teacher, your fellow Yogis, and YOURSELF to show up on time to do this healing work together.
Now, we are all HUMANS sharing a yoga practice, not a yoga perfect, so please know that we love you and welcome you even when you’re late, and please still come even if you forgot to sign up. But let’s start 2024 by cultivating good habits, adhering to the yogic tenets of Ahimsa, Asteya, and Tapas: non-harming by considering the feelings and needs of others; taking care not to inadvertently steal another’s time or happiness; and lighting the internal fire that sparks commitment to the divinity within each of us.
Thank you all for your understanding, and continued support of our amazing yoga family! I hope you have a safe, joyful and meaningful conclusion to 2023.
All my love and namaste,
PS - you can use these links below to access and manage your HYC student account through our MindBody Online database:
My Schedule - view, cancel or modify future reservations
My History - see classes and events you have attended
My Passes/Membership - see active passes and purchase history
Please note that a login is required. If you’ve already taken classes with us, you already have a student account, even if you’ve never logged in before. To view your current information and history, DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. Instead, under “Sign In” on the left, click “Need New Password?”