Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not flexible. Can I do yoga?

Yes. Absolutely. Flexibility is not a pre-requisite to practicing yoga, but it is one of the beneficial side effects! Media depictions of yoga might lead us to believe that to do yoga is turn your body into a pretzel. That’s simply not true. Yoga is a practice that meets you where you are. Yoga is not limited to people who can touch their toes, stand on their hands, sit on the floor, or close their eyes while standing on one foot. If you can breathe, you can practice yoga.

I have an injury. Can I do yoga?

The short answer is yes, but we always recommend consulting with your doctor about physical injuries or conditions that may impact the way you practice prior to picking up or continuing your yoga practice. Our teachers are skilled in offering modifications but we are not doctors. It is always best to follow your doctor’s orders and listen to your body. Whether you’re injured or not, if it hurts, don’t do it.

How often should I practice yoga?

It’s ideal to practice at least 2-3 times a week. When you practice at least twice a week, your body will have time to get used to postures, the flow of classes, and you will be providing yourself with the opportunity to build a solid foundation for the rest of your yoga practice.

I haven’t done yoga in a while. Where should I start?

If you are free from injury, consider beginning with a Hatha or Vinyasa Level I or I/II. If you’re looking for our most accessible yoga class, start with Gentle Yoga or Yoga for Longevity.

What does a typical yoga class look like?

Most classes begin with centering, a few minutes to land in the present moment. Next you’’ll move onto warm-ups, movements and poses to prepare the body for asana (yoga poses) that follow. After the asana, you can expect some stretching to cool down. After cooling down you’ll move into savasana (final relaxation), a few minutes where you can get comfy, relax, and integrate your work on the mat. Some classes may also incorporate meditation. Pranayama (breath work), will be woven in throughout class.

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