Connecting mind, body and spirit.
Welcome to your yoga home. Get to know our team, class offerings, and community.
Welcome to the Happy Yogi. We have been breathing and moving together since 2007, and we have been enjoying our “new” studio space in Rockville MD since the spring of 2023. But we are more than just a yoga studio; we are a community working to bring peace to the world as we cultivate peace within ourselves.
Yoga is letting go of our need to be constantly busy. It is quieting the chatter in our minds. Yoga is finding more patience for our kids and for ourselves. Yoga teaches us to learn from our missteps and then move on. Yoga is connecting to our community, stopping to help a stranger in need and performing random acts of kindness. Yoga is joining our minds, hearts and bodies to find more richness in life!
Join us on this journey to find greater peace and ease. The time for yoga is now and always. It is never too soon to begin and never too late to start. Yoga is a lifelong practice that evolves with us and changes with time, just as we change. What is the point? Perhaps it is just a life well lived.
Learn more about our studio and philosophy around yoga.